Video has emerged of an altercation between the driver of a Land Rover Range Rover Sport and a large group of motorcyclists. The incident, which occurred yesterday afternoon in New York City, looks to have been started when the Land Rover driver bumped one of the motorcyclists (it's difficult to tell from the video whose fault this was). The incident momentarily brought traffic to a standstill, but escalated anew when the SUV driver ran down a number of riders while attempting to leave the scene.
According to Britain's Daily Mail Online, the driver of the Land Rover told police he feared for his safety after being engulfed by the pack of slow-moving bikers. With his wife and young daughter in the vehicle, the driver attempted to flee, and his panicked escape attempt took out some of the bikers in the process. After catching up to him, the bikers tried to open the driver's door before he fled again. In a subsequent encounter, the Land Rover driver became snarled in traffic, providing a moment for one angry motorcyclist to smash the driver's window with his helmet. The video footage then ends.
According to the report, the NYPD says that the only reported injuries were to the driver of the Range Rover, despite the YouTube caption of the video claiming there was one fatality.
The helmet-mounted video can be viewed below. Be warned, the video is rather disturbing and might not be suitable for everyone. Take a look below to watch the footage, then have your say in Comments.
UPDATE: Subsequent reports indicate police say that a number of bikers beat up the Land Rover driver, causing black eyes, lacerations and injuries to his face and body. He was treated and released from Columbia University Medical Center. Police continue to investigate the incident.
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