Why Do People Unsubscribe?
How to Use Pinterest for BeginnersYou have likely heard people obsess about Pinterest so you are curious about what it is and how to use it.
Pinterest is a highly visual virtual pinboard site that lets you pin or collect images from the Web. You create boards to help you categorize your images and add descriptions to remind you why you bookmarked them in the first place.
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Technical Diagnosis Cartoon
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a new way to broadcast corporate news and structured information. RSS offers a quick, easy corporate communication channel. The RSS contents are published as a feed and the feed's content keep customers, partners and journalists abreast of corporate news and information. The RSS feeds are read using a tool referred to as a news aggregator, or an RSS reader. The aggregator periodically checks to see if the RSS feed has been updated. As the feed is updated, new information will automatically appear in the RSS reader.
While RSS was at one point only considered to be a means to deliver news headlines, RSS has quickly become a powerful medium to disseminate all kinds of information. As traditional marketers are attempting to rein in content delivery, measuring e-mail open rates, click-throughs and conversions, Internet users are fighting to gain control over the content they receive. Savvy marketers and business owners are using RSS as a way to improve corporate communication and increase their external exposure and brand appeal.
RSS For Business
Academia has embraced RSS as a means to educate, but scrutinizing how educational institutions are using RSS feeds in their daily routines show RSS is utilized can vary across different industries.
RSS and Education
How Terror Can Breed Through Social MediaThe days of would-be terrorists needing to travel to far-off camps to make contacts and learn how to build bombs is rapidly receding. Social media forums like Twitter and Facebook provide a ready made Rolodex of sources -- dig further online, mine those contacts further, gain admission to private chat forums and eventually you will find instructions for bomb making.
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Turn an Ebay Search into an RSS FeedHave you ever been watching ebay to find that rare item, or just trying to keep an eye out for a good deal? You can save a search in ebay and it will email you daily, but I found that it leaves a lot to be desired. It always gives me notification about suggested items that do not match my search.
I looked for a better way to keep on top of searching for what I was looking for and found that you can turn an ebay search into an RSS feed. Load it into your favorite RSS reader or website and it will give you all the recent hits on your search.
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Reddit and Criminal Crowd SourcingShould the Internet hive-mind really be getting into the crime investigation business?
Reddits crowdsourcing power often comes into conflict with its stated commitment to protecting online privacy.
Whereas Twitter and other kinds of social media are open firehoses of information, massive Internet forums like Reddit provide a community platform for dissecting information. At first blush, that might seem like a great idea.
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Google Readers split from its loyal user base has been a tad messy. It is not you, it is us, Google implored. We are living in a new kind of computing environment, was their attempt at letting users down gently.
However, for some die-hard fans it was all too much and they answered the only way they knew how – a selection of moderately funny internet memes and online petitions.
For the uninitiated, the search giant is set to shut down its RSS tool on July 1st; a service used daily by millions to gather together content from blogs, newswires and almost countless sites around the web.
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Where to Submit MediaRSS Feeds
You can choose from several Department of State RSS feeds to get the latest news from the Department delivered directly to your desktop via an RSS reader or news aggregator
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What is Pinging?
Marketing your blog requires more than simply publishing new content -- you need to tell the world to update the content in your RSS feed by sending a ping message to subscribers, search engines, blog aggregators and update services. Configure your blog or podcast with an RSS feed channel and tell ping services to update your content.
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Computer Scolding Cartoon
Just as with any major tech event, it spurred a raft of reactions on what is currently our best real-time conversation broadcasting network, Twitter. Reactions ranged from outrage to sadness to smugness — the latter epitomized by the camp who say that RSS was already a confusing mess that needed to be shot down completely and besides, it had been replaced by Twitter itself anyway.
Well, no. RSS matters.
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Here is what is new in the latest version of Feedly:
The developers have fixed a login bug that forced users to login to the service regularly. According to Feedly, this should not happen anymore even if the servers are taxed to the limit.
The title only view mode - my preferred mode of viewing RSS updates - has been improved. It now stretches across the whole width of the browser window automatically. While that is not entirely true, as you can see from the screenshot above, it is still an improvement. The title only view has also received more sharing options (while hovering over an article).
Faster load times for the service. The developers have optimized the client code so that you should experience better performance while using the service.
Support for folders that include [] brackets.
Support for Hebrew and Farsi.
Improved feed search to find feeds by URL and add them to your list of subscribed feeds.
Feedly seems dedicated to improve the service and while many users are waiting for a web-based version of it, the improvements certainly are welcome additions to the service as well.
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Truncated feeds can be a bummer, especially if you really enjoy reading your favorite blogs via RSS. FeedsAPI is a service that will take any truncated RSS feed, expand it to a full-text feed, and then deliver the resulting stories directly to your inbox, or to your preferred news reader. Best of all, it does this in real-time, so you don't have to wait hours for stories to process.
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Why Reading is Important Cartoon
Why Reading is Important Cartoon!
When Google announced Reader, their RSS service, was being shuttered… news junkies everywhere revolted. Reader was the easiest, simplest, cleanest RSS feed available. Everyone wondered why it was being shut down, and a groundswell of support was initiated to bring it back.
There has been no sign of Google reversing their spring cleaning initiative, but it is really hard to believe they would simply abandon RSS altogether.
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6 of the Best FREE RSS ReadersYou have probably been searching for the best free RSS readers ever since Mountain View struck down with the news about not supporting the Google-branded one starting from July 2013. The company may have cited declining usage as one of the reasons for shutting shop on this front, but that was no consolation for people like us who were thrown into panic on hearing about the imminent demise of the service. So if you’re switching from Google’s syndication service or any other similar tool, here are some good options in no particular order -
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Googles spring cleaning has begun, and the company has already axed one of the most loved services, even though the user rate has been declining over the years. Google Reader, one of the biggest RSS feeds, has got its death date, even with people making petitions for Google Reader to stay.
However, times may not be terrible for the people that still regularly use RSS readers, as Digg has said they are building a Google Reader replacement and they believe it will be ready before Google axe Reader on July 1 2013.
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Google Removes RSS Support From ChromeGoogle Reader is not the only RSS product to be getting the ax at Google. The RSS extension for Googles Chrome Web browser has also been cut, which means that Chrome users can no longer use it to quickly subscribe to RSS feeds as they browse the Web.
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With Google Reader being abandoned millions of bloggers are left to figure out a way to keep their content in front of their readers, hoping they are tech-savvy and interested enough to transfer their feeds to another service.
However, email marketing service Mad Mimi offers an effective alternative. An RSS to Email feature allows businesses and bloggers to share their content with subscribers and maintain control of their distributions.
RSS to Email automatically converts blog posts into the form of an email for subscribers. The blogger uses a webform to collect email addresses.
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Feedly has been around for a while and offers a similar interface, akin to Google Reader. With 500,000 new users, the company has said that they will continue to work to keep the servers running, while making subtle changes to the interface. The RSS reader will also be offering seamless integration with your Google account, to move all your Reader settings.
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Todays world is filled with massive amounts of information. According to IBM, 90% of todays existing data has been created in just the past two years. People no longer sit down at their desktop and surf the web for an hour a day. Instead, they are constantly creating, searching for information, and retrieving content from all types of devices – smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and laptops. As these digital technologies continue to evolve and move in a more mobile direction, new opportunities arise for technologies like RSS.
Hot new mobile applications like Flipboard provide a great example of how RSS feeds can be leveraged to bring updated digital content to customers. Flipboard
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Create an RSS Feed for Google+ FeedCreate an RSS Feed for Your Google+ Feed using GPlusRSS
The asking price? $200,000......
The domain was initially aquired for $125,000.
The RSS Feed Reader is just one example of many tools that will help you do exactly that – improve productivity in your business so you can do everything you have to and still have some time left for your family at the end of the day!
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Google Reader is on its deathbed, slated to meet its end on July 1st. Its demise has been looming in the distance for a while, so this should come as no surprise. And while this is certainly a time of mourning, there's the unseemly business of finding a replacement. Here is a list of platform agnostic alternatives that should help make the transition as painless as possible.
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How to Export Your RSS Feeds from Google ReaderBy now, the shock that Google Reader is shutting down this summer has probably sunk in. Once you get past the outrage, it's time to figure out how to export your RSS feeds from your beloved reader before it goes dark.
For the fastest, most reliable way to save your RSS feeds from the cemetery of cyberspace, use Googles Takeout service.
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The scramble is on. With news today that Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st, its users are on the hunt for a solid RSS reader alternatives.
Here are some options you might want to consider if you are a Google Reader user:
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Google Reader is closing in July, IMO this is not a good move for Google.
Blogs are now a dime a dozen, and bloggers need to make their blog posts stand out. Developing a blog following is not as easy as it once was. Learn how to write blog posts that attract readers and retain their attention. Follow these guidelines to cultivate readers...
Blog Posts that Get Attention
10 Social Media Fears to OvercomeAre any of these reasons stopping you from using social media for your business?
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4 RSS News Aggregators for AndroidThe beauty of smartphones and tablets running Android today can only be appreciated by looking at the apps it offers. While offering many other features, one group of apps available for tablets and smartphones are the so-called news aggregator apps that gives almost instant around the clock news access. If you are the type who wants to know whats happening around the world in an instant, news sources will be at your fingertips by getting any of the news aggregator apps that we will be discussing below.
On Monday, Facebook put up a blog post saying engagement has gone up 34 percent on posts from people who have more than 10,000 followers. But Facebook did not share real numbers or metrics, leaving people guessing what 34 percent actually equals.
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I Work on the Internet Cartoon
I Work on the Internet Cartoon!

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